Additional Estimates of the Cost of Proposed Laws and Updates to Budget Deadlines

Why is this proposal on the ballot?

The 2024 Charter Revision Commission reviewed the New York City Charter to ensure its efficiency and responsiveness to all New Yorkers, held public hearings and conducted outreach to solicit public input, and offered the following suggested changes.

What this proposal says:

Cette proposition modifierait la Charte de la ville pour exiger une analyse fiscale du conseil municipal avant les audiences et les votes sur les lois, autoriser l'analyse fiscale du maire, et mettre à jour les délais budgétaires.

Voter « Oui » modifierait la Charte de la ville pour exiger une analyse fiscale supplémentaire avant les audiences et les votes sur les lois locales, et pour mettre à jour les délais budgétaires. Voter « Non » laissera les lois inchangées.

What this proposal means:

The City Council provides cost estimates of proposed laws before voting on them. The proposal would give the Mayor’s Office of Management and Budget the opportunity to provide its own cost estimates for proposed laws and require the Council to publish their cost estimates before public hearings on proposed laws. This proposal would also require the Council to formally notify the Mayor’s office before holding public hearings or votes on proposed laws. Lastly, this proposal would extend the deadline for certain budget reports in the first year of a new Mayoral administration, and permanently extend the deadline for the Mayor to publish their annual City budget.

Si cette proposition est adoptée :

It would establish a new role for the Mayor in assessing the cost of laws before they are passed and require that cost estimates from the Council and Mayor are available before proposed laws are considered at public hearings. It would also give the Mayor some more time to prepare the City’s annual budget before it is presented to the City Council.

Summary of Statements in Support of Ballot Proposal 3:

The CFB received 2 public comments supporting proposal 3. The comments express support for requiring additional fiscal analysis before hearings and votes on local laws. The CFB received no comments from organizations.

Summary of Statements in Opposition of Ballot Proposal 3:

The CFB received 13 public comments opposing proposal 3. The comments cite concerns that this proposal is the result of a politically motivated and rushed Charter Revision Commission and that the passage of Proposal 3 would make the City government less responsive to New Yorkers needs and that it could impose redundant review processes for local laws and may cause delays in lawmaking generally. The CFB received comments from the following organizations:

  • City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams
  • Legal Aid Society
  • New Yorkers Defending Democracy
  • Surveillance Technology Oversight Project
  • The Jails Action Coalition and HALT Solitary Campaign (JAC/HALT)

Dates clés

  • Vote anticipé

    Samedi 26 octobre 2024 - Dimanche 3 novembre 2024
  • Date limite pour la demande de formulaire d'inscription sur les listes électorales et de bulletin de vote anticipé par correspondance/vote par correspondance en cas d'absence

    Samedi 26 octobre 2024
  • Date limite de dépôt des demandes d’inscription sur les listes électorales

    Samedi 26 octobre 2024
  • Date limite pour la demande de bulletin de vote anticipé par correspondance/vote par correspondance en cas d'absence (en personne)

    Lundi 4 novembre 2024