Why is this election happening?
Former Assemblymember Nick Perry resigned from this seat after he was nominated by President Biden, and confirmed by the U.S Senate, to serve as the U.S. Ambassador to Jamaica. This special election will fill the empty Assembly seat.
Que fait l’Assemblée de l’État ?
The State Assembly is the lower chamber of the State Legislature. There are 150 members. Assembly members write and vote on legislation, negotiate and approve state budgets, and can override the Governors’ vetoes of legislation.
Learn more about the State Assembly
Which neighborhoods are in this district?
Assembly District 58 includes parts of East Flatbush, Canarsie, and Brownsville in Brooklyn.
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What’s in Assembly District 58?
Jackie Robinson lived in this district when he began playing for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947, his historic rookie season when he broke the color barrier in baseball. He stayed until 1949, when he was voted Most Valuable Player. His house on Tilden Avenue was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1976.
Candidats figurant sur le bulletin de vote
- Monique Allen-Davy | Republican, Conservative
dr.monique4ny@gmail.com - Monique Chandler-Waterman | Democratic, Working Families
https://moniqueforny.com/ | monique4ny@gmail.com - Hercules E. Reid | Education is Key
https://www.herculesreid.com/ | get@herculesreid.com